
Notice of product name change of Amitose Vitamin C series

We appreciate your continued patronage of our products.
We would like to announce that we are going to change the product name of “Amitose Vitamin C series” to new name “iVC”. This change will be effective from January 6th, 2025 from the shipping date. We would like to reassure that the change are not related to any change of our products specification and quality. We will change all information such as website, documents, and internal systems accordingly, but please note that there might be a case which former product name is described. Please refer the following product list.
In addition, there is no change on product name for “Amitose R” and “Amitose R-PD” of amino acid derivative grade, and the product name of “Amitose” is used continuously.
We are grateful for your ongoing support and understanding in this matter.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to members of sales department.

【Product list】

Former product name New product name
Amitose DGA iVC DGA
Amitose 3GA iVC 3GA
Amitose 2GA iVC 2GA
Amitose HGA iVC HGA
Amitose MGA iVC MGA
Amitose 3LGA iVC 3LGA
Amitose GCA iVC GCA


【Valid date】
From the shipment on January 6th, 2025

TEL: +81-72-987-2626
